Wednesday 22 August 2012

One Shot Paramore Challenge

Your favourite Paramore album
Really close tie, but I'm gonna stick with Riot!. Back when I was younger and had their first album I just listened to Pressure and Emergancy back and forth, I only really got into it as I got older. Plus, Misery Business is still a blinding song.

Your first Paramore concert
11.12.09, first and so far only. It was awesome.

Your favourite magazine cover of Paramore

 One of the few covers that doesn't make Hayley look more important.

A Hayley Williams Quote
"One life, one chance, folks!"

Your least favourite Paramore song
Maaaaaannn... difficult, but I'm not too keen on Miracle, I suppose.

An extract from a Paramore fanfic
 Hayley POV
I wake up with a killer headache. Last night was odd. I was quite shocked that Casey helped me but also that she was alot nicer than I presummed… but than again Im not exsactly super nice to her either… actually in plain terms Im quite a bitch… I dont mean to be but It just happens. I mean just the way she looks at me it makes me feel so weird then I get all defensive and usually let out a rude remark or just ignore her completely. 
I looked around in the guest room seeing that shed decorated it with green painted walls. There were pictures on the window of her and taylor, the band, some other people I didnt reconizge. I smirk at the picture of her and the yorks as kids as my head shoots to the door hearing a knock. Casey peaks her head in.

A picure of you with a Paramore member
I wish I had one! :'(

A picture of your room with Paramore posters

 You can just about see my Parawall behind me :3

Favourite photo of Josh Farro

Favourite Paramore music video
Misery Business. It's got bully-beating attitude! :D

Interview with the band

A quote from any member
"I think late people... should all die" - that's not nice, Jeremy! :')

Favourite Hayley Williams picture


A graphic you made/favourite graphic

 I'm awful at making graphics but this is cool. Found it on Google, it's not mine.

Other bands you like cause of Paramore
 Paper Route, Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eat World and Phoenix.

Your dream concert set list
Just a mash up of about 40-50 seconds of every song they've ever released, in track list order. That'd be cool.

Your favourite Hayley Williams hair style
Dead straight, faded yellow/orange with the crested fringe.

Favourite live performance
Way too hard to choose. The one in Philaldelphia in 2009 was cool.

A favourite acoustic
IN THE MOURNING. It's beautiful. The new album's gonna be so awesome.

Joshayley picture
Still think they should've been called Joshley.

A favourite Hayley Williams quote
Another one? Okay...  "I've been wearing red pants since 2007... so stick that where the sun don't shine, Fashion Week!"

Paramore encounter in great detail
I've never met them in person (MAN that'd be unbelieveable), the closest I've come is the seating area in the NEC. And I still can't believe it happened. Don't really know how to go into detail, if you've seen them live, I don't have to... you know.

What Paramore means to you
A way to express myself without having to feel bad, because, as Hayley stated at Norwegian Wood 2008, "music is a place that every one of us can go to, I don't care who you are, where you were born, what you're doing with your life, everyone can come here, in music, and be equal".

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